Online Course

My private online hypnobirthing course is tailored to your individual needs and can be taken at dates and times that suits you and your partner. I will speak to you either via email or phone before the course begins to get a feel for how you are feeling and what i feel you need. We will then go from there!

Giving birth is such a big event and it is important to be educated on the process, along with our birth partners, and understand how we can use mindfulness to prepare our minds and body on the lead up and on the day. My courses bring the physiology and mindfulness together helping you to focus on preparing in the best way for you.

One of my hypnobirthing couples photographed by Sadie Wild

When should i begin the course?

If you are feeling ready to get started with preparing for birth then the earlier the better! The ideal time to begin taking your practical course is from 26 weeks.  Once your course is confirmed with me, you will receive the associated MP3 downloads, it is never to early to get started with these!

If you are further along, hypnobirthing can still be a huge benefit to you both. I am available during the weekdays, weeknight evenings and I am flexible over the weekends. We can arrange dates and times to suit your schedules.

Is this an antenatal course?

Yes! You do not need to take any other antenatal course alongside my course. You will both learn a full antenatal programme, in its most logical form. The course includes how to manage unplanned scenarios, learn about how to use comfort measures such as epidurals if needed and discuss in an honest way the unpredictability of birth while focusing on the birth you would love to have.

What will you learn?

The Physiology of Birth

I will teach you how your amazing pregnant body functions during labour and birth. You will become birth confident with the knowledge and understanding allowing you to focus on the birth you would love to have all the while not discounting the unpredictability birth can bring.

The Phsycology of Birth

Delve into the science of your mind and how it affects your feelings and your behaviour, how you can train yourself to feel more in control.

Calm and Mindfulness

Mindfully focussing on hypnobirthing techniques and tools to support you so you can feel relaxed and connected to your birth partner, your birth team and your baby. Preparing and bringing calm into your pregnancy to create the best birth space


My course will build your confidence around your birthing body and what your body naturally provides for you all the while building your cofidence to navigate the maternity system you are birthing in.

Birth Choices

You will understand your birth options, navigating and planning for unexpected turns, learn helpful ways to communicate with your care providers to ensure you are receiving the best course of care for you and your baby and ensure sure they understand and implement your preferences as much as possible.


Learn how to create the optimal pregnancy, birth and postnatal environment together, however or wherever you meet your baby.

The Course content

All sessions are led from a birth doula perspective. I am a local birth doula, antenatal teacher, hypnobirthing practitoner and feeding practitioner.

  • What is the hypno in birthing and how does it relate to birth?

  • Self hypnosis and learning guided relaxation techniques

  • Releasing anxiety and emotions around birth

  • Learning about the autonomic nervous system

  • Understanding your birthing muscles

  • Writing and creating personal affirmations

  • How to use visualisation to your advantage

  • Setting a positive atmosphere for your babys birth

  • Choosing the right birth place for you

  • Labour positions with your birth partner.

  • Tips for support empowering your birth partner

  • Working on confidence and communication with your birth team

  • Breathing techniques for calm, labour and birth

  • Understanding your choices and options for birth

  • Detailed assistance with creating your birth preferences

  • Preparing for the unknown and the unexpected in the best way

  • So much more….

  • 1 hour top up with me towards the end of your pregnancy. This is usually taken online in the evening while you are relaxed.

  • Detailed course companion PDF

  • Tutum Birthing positive affirmation cards

  • Essential oil for calm during labour & birth

  • Tutum birthing visualisations

  • Resources including birth templates and hospital bag lists

  • PDF resources for birth partner

  • MP3 downloads for you to begin on course confirmation 

  • MP3 guided relaxation for your postnatal journey

  • Local products for you to try

  • SUPPORT from me via email, phone and Whattsapp


A full private course online with me is 6 hours split across two or three sessions to focus specifically on what you need to get from the course. The course costs £300 per couple and can be paid by PayPal, booking online or directly by BACS.