Hypnobirthing Courses
I offer private one-on-one courses at your home for first and second-time parents, scheduled at your convenience. Spreading out the dates gives you time to apply what we discuss before our next meeting. This also allows me to adjust my guidance as your pregnancy evolves and if new situations come up. Many expectant parents find this very helpful and reassuring to have during pregnancy.
I also offer focussed small workshops specifically around hypnobirthing. Click here to see next workshop date.
Benefits for you:
Doula Led Hypnobirthing Sessions: Learn from me, Claire, an experienced professional birth doula through group or private hypnobirthing courses designed to meet your individual needs.
Empowering Tools: Learn how to implement effective techniques that enhance your confidence during labour, benefitting you and your partner in the birthing process. Breathing, movement, relaxation, tools for each stage of labour and birth.
Partner Confidence: Equip your partner with the skills to provide effective support, creating a trusting and relaxing environment for you both.
Personalised and tailored to you: Courses with me address your own concerns, assisting first-time parents and those who have experienced birth before in the best way possible. There is no one size fits all every birth is unique.
Community Connection: Join small workshops/groups to connect with other expectant parents, creating a lasting support network.
Benefits of Private Courses
Benefits of Private Courses: Dates and times to suit you whether around your antenatal classes, work comittments and staggering our sessions right up to 38 weeks. This is the beauty of having a private course in person with me. I will guide you through the content i feel is right for you, based on your actual pregnancy and the birth you wish to have.
If this is your second or third baby, a private course is a good idea because I can help you prepare more personally for your next birth. We can use our time most together effectively as I will always schedule in to talk to you on a call before the first session to understand your background and personal needs.
Courses Available
Private Full Course or Essentials Short Course
Group Course N21
Download Handbook
Keep on your phone for when labour begins and you can refer back to it. Perfect for partners!
Does Hypnobirthing really work?
Yes, it really does work! During labour, your body produces a wonderful natural hormone called oxytocin, we call it the love hormone. Oxytocin is what is released during lovemaking and also this same hormone helps progress your labour (they say what gets baby in, gets baby out!) Stress hormones affect the production of oxytocin and can make your labour longer but, hypnobirthing can help you manage stress hormones, such as adrenalin, and reduce anxiety, which leads to a calmer birth. We give you and your birth partner the skills to cope and tools that will benefit you during labour and birth.
Can I use hypnobirthing in a labour ward?
You can use Hypnobirthing however and wherever you give birth – in a hospital, labour ward, theatre, birth centre, or at home. Mothers are relaxed it has been shown to make labour shorter and the need for drugs and interventions less likely. If interventions do arise then hypnobirthing is said to help the healing as there is less tension in the muscles and tissues, this in turn aids the bonding process with your baby.
Does the course cover post birth?
Yes, my course covers an introduction into mindful breastfeeding, how to prepare in the best way which you can read more around here and what to expect. We discuss how relaxation can benefit you at this time as hypnobirthing benefits you after birth too, with some evidence showing that it can lower the chance of postnatal depression. It can increase confidence, lower anxiety and allow you to move on with your postpartum more clearly and freely with the tools learnt.
What is Hypnobirthing?
There is clinical evidence to show that hypnosis in childbirth reduces the discomfort and reduces the need for intervention. Hypnobirthing is birth preparation using self hypnosis, deep relaxation techniques, breathing techniques and visualisations to assist with preparing for your baby’s arrival. It reduces the presence of fear, tension and anxiety around birth. The course provides both you and your birthing partner with the confidence and positivity to navigate your own experience, to exercise your rights and choices and to use the skills learnt to positively birth your baby.
Can i use Hypnobirthing with a Cesarean?
This is SO important. Let’s clarify, we aren’t using hypnobirthing techniques just for the preparation of what is considered ‘a natural birth’ as we cannot fully prepare for our birth outcome. We are taking all of the tools and skills learnt as they will benefit any circumstance and will help you to create a positive experience. I work with a lot of couples who are preparing for a cesarean and or just want to be calm and relaxed no matter how they birth. I concentrate on explaining your rights as parents and helping you to understand your choices with where you decide to give birth and how you wish your birth to be.
Will it guarantee a particular birth?
Practising hypnobirthing does not mean unexpected things won’t happen. A birth free from medical interventions or complications can never be guaranteed. However, learning to relax and stay calm will absolutely help you feel more in control during labour if things don’t go to plan and having a clear understanding of the physiological women’s body will also assist
My Qualifications
Hypnobirthing Practioner with the RCM 2016
The Hypnobirthing Institute Accreditation 2016
Further Hypnobirthing Teacher Training 2017
Rebozo for Breech Presentation 2017
Rebozo for Use During Labour & Birth 2017
Birth & Postnatal Doula 2019 Birth Bliss Academy
Birth Trauma Three Step Rewind 2019
Further Hypnobirthing Teacher Training 2021
Mindful Breastfeeding Practitioner 2022

Free 10-Minute Consultation .
Free 10-Minute Consultation .
Contact me for a free chat to find out more about if hypnobirthing is for you and answer any questions you may have.

The Physiology & Psycology of Birth
When Hypnobirthing with Tutum you will learn how your amazing pregnant body functions during labour and birth. You will become more confident with the knowledge and understanding allowing you to focus on the birth you would love to have all the while not discounting the unpredictability birth can bring. Delve into the science of your mind and how it affects your feelings and your behaviour, how you can train yourself to feel more in control. Learn how to prepare together to feel calm, relaxed and in control.
Contact Me Here
+44 (0)7944 156238
Winchmore Hill, Enfield, N21 3JU