Early Days Confidence in Breastfeeding.
Are you still in hospital at the postnatal ward or perhaps you have recently arrived home? Either way, receiving breastfeeding support in the very early days following birth can be a game changer for your feeding journey.
When you arrive home, it can feel scary and deeply emotional with the feelings of worry and concern about baby feeding enough and maintaining/loosing their birth weight. Here is where i come and help you.
How beautiful would it be if you felt calmer and more confident in the early days
I can help you by:
Being with you as soon as you return home or even in the hospital if that is needed.
Guiding you to express colostrum in those early days if required.
Giving you the focussed time and space to get to grips with positioning.
Help you to latch your baby comfortably in order to feed well.
Guiding you with the different positions for breastfeeding.
Suggesting beneficial ways you can feel more comfortable with nipple pain.
Cover any questions you may have around the early days and expectations.
Why book an early days consultation.
It is important to create a calm space for you and your baby. A confidence in breastfeeding session with me will help to reassure you and start you on your journey to a more calm and confident breastfeed. Ultimately this leads to more calm and connecting feeds in turn a more fulfilling experience. Here are some more reasons why.
Firstly because It is pretty scary being left to feed your baby not knowing what to do.
You will have someone who actually has the time to sit calmly with you and help you.
You will gain confidence and practical information.
You will enjoy more comfortable and relaxed feeds and feel calmer.
We can extend babies feeds from snacking to full feed by working together.
I can guide you to increase your milk supply and settle anxiety you might be feeling post birth.
You can discuss newborn baby care with me and i will guide you.
You will be able to navigate your own path with confidence and with the knowledge
The Fee
I charge £90 payable up front for a 90 minute home visit in Enfield and Barnet. Please contact me for a visit to a maternity unit.
90 minutes is based on the visits i have made in the past and knowing that 60 minutes is often not enough time for us. We can usually cover most bases within this timeframe. Should you need further support, i will advise you and we can take it from there.
“Claire came to visit when our little girl was 3 days old. My milk had just come in and it all felt incredibly overwhelming, it felt like i was failing. We had days of constant crying and my nipples were blistered and sore. If she hadnt have come that day, I would have definitely not carried on. Her advice, calmness and guidance was so valuable.”
Spring is in the air! Gain some further understanding and confidence to be able to navigate those early days with your new baby.
Prepare to Breastfeed Your Baby
I wrote an article for the well know maternity clothing and nursing brand Tilbea London. Here you can pick up on some tips to think about while you are feeding your baby and if you expecting your baby, i am sure this article will be helpful for you!