Pain During Labour
Why Hypnobirthing Helps
One of the biggest fears we often hold is being in pain during labour. It is a fear many could have held onto from childhood. Perhaps we were told our mothers labour was so awful or painful when they had us that ever since then, birth was something to be scared of.
I want to tell you what happens to the body when we feel scared or fearful. Think back to a time when you felt fear. How did it make you physically feel? You might say, it made you feel short of breath, perhaps it made you feel clammy or start to perspire. You could have felt shaky or overwhelmed. One of the biggest things people often say is; i couldnt move with fear. Why is this? This is the bodys response to the sympathetic system kicking in. This is there physiologially and is present for all mammals.
Our autonomic nervous system exists to keep us safe. It protects us from danger, high alert and situations where we might need to Fight, Flight or FREEZE. This is all well and good if we were fighting (if you are that kind of person) wanting to run away from a situation, i am sure we have all been there OR freezing so still, incase the neighbour sees you as you are running out the door.
In birth, in welcoming your baby into the world and facilitating their birth journey, we dont want any of these three things to be present. We dont want to fight them or move them away, we dont want to run away from them and we dont really want to put it on hold. We want them here with us right now, in our arms after all that time of growing them and wondering who they might be.
Tension can lead to increased pain during labour
The tension in our body and muscles is not going to be conducive to us feeling relaxed, calm and allowing our body the space and focus it needs to bring your baby to you. Think; breathing for calm, breathing for control. Think, allowing all that space to be around your baby, loosening up your body to allow your baby to come to you. You wouldnt tense up for a big physical event, you would trust your body, trust your preparation and allow yourself to move into it.
You can learn ways to feel more relaxed and less tense. You can worry less during your pregnancy about the pain and enjoy the labour more. Contact me for more information or to discuss courses. Contact Tutum Birthing