What’s The Difference Between Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Classes?
This is a great question and one I am asked time and time again.
Hypnobirthing classes focus on using harnessing the mind, relaxation, and visualization techniques ultimately enabling women to have a more relaxed and comfortable birth experience. The classes aim to reduce fear and anxiety about childbirth for a more positive birth experience.
Antenatal classes, on the other hand, provide more comprehensive education on pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood. The classes cover a range of topics, including the stages of labor and birth, pain management options, breastfeeding, and infant care. The aim is to prepare expectant parents for the physical, emotional, and practical aspects of childbirth and early parenthood.
While some antenatal classes may include hypnobirthing techniques, the focus is on providing a more well-rounded education on childbirth and parenthood. Hypnobirthing classes, on the other hand, focus specifically on using hypnosis and relaxation techniques during childbirth.
Overall, both hypnobirthing and antenatal classes can be beneficial for expectant parents, and the choice between the two depends on individual preferences and needs. Some women may choose to do both classes to get a comprehensive education on childbirth and to learn relaxation techniques to use during labor.
Hypnobirthing classes may cover:
Understanding the physiology of labor and birth
Techniques for relaxation, visualization, and self-hypnosis
Breathing exercises for labor and birth
Positioning and movement during labor
The role of a partner or support person during labor and birth
Creating a positive birth environment
Coping strategies for unexpected situations during birth
Breastfeeding and early bonding with the baby
Click here to learn more about Tutum’s approach to hypnobirthing, and via this link you can view our upcoming courses..
Whichever route you go down, try and create the time to research and choose the right course for you and perhaps your birthing partner too. You’ll need to consider the following:
Which method of birth education feels right for me?
What information do I need to feel secure in my birthing journey?
Do I need mental, emotional or practical support…or all three?
How do I like to learn?
Is it important to you that your teacher is experienced in delivering babies, and that they are a doula or a midwife?
A Tutum Hypnobirthing course is all encompassing, so you shouldn’t need to take two classes. We go deeply into the physiology of your body, labour and birth and I make it as logical as possible. We understand how our minds work and we can deepen the mind body connection. We learn visualisation, affirmations with incredible breathing techniques. We learn birth partner tools for massage, counter pressure, even a bit of reflexology for bringing labour on.
The correct course will make you both feel excited to learn, it should be practical and engaging making it easier for our minds to accept and therefore fully understand. Partners can often be sceptical, perhaps thinking it is going to be ‘hippy’ and what is the ‘hypno part of hypnobirthing? What they begin to realise during the course, actually the first hour, is that the role they play is fundamental to us feeling safe and secure during this life changing experience. They have such a special role to play and the bond that can build through preparing together for birth has the potential to be even stronger!
One of the best things about being a hypnobirthing teacher and a doula is educating the best birth partners around because they have invested time and practice supporting you to have a positive pregnancy, labour and birth.
Take time to do your research, make sure you feel you will connect with the practitioner holding the course. You will be investing your time and money into the course, make sure it is the best investment you made through your pregnancy!
If you want to get some insight into Tutum via a complimentary hypnobirthing audio, download a free 5-minute relaxation audio via the link below.