Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping
Image by @estheredithbirth
Why do so many of us have this on our birth plans now?! Take it back even seven years ago when i gave birth to Rosie, this wasnt even discussed! How crazy it that! Let me tell you more about why we are now as standard making this a preference for birth.
There is strong evidence to suggest that delaying the cutting or clamping of your baby’s umbillical cord after birth is incredibly beneficial to your baby. It has been your baby’s lifeline and source of oxygen the whole time your baby has been inside your womb. Whilst your baby’s umbilical cord is still attached to the placenta and pulsating it continues to do magical things as your baby transitions to its new life outside of your womb.
Historically your baby’s umbillical cord would have been cut straight after birth either by the midwife or by your partner. In the last few years the medical profession realised there were many benefits to not rushing on in there to cut the cord and leaving it to work it’s magic.
Whether you are giving birth vaginally or by c-section, you can request for the cord to be left attached for 3-5 minutes or until it turns white and comes floppy. This is possible as long as you or your baby is not in need of any assistance which would require them to clamp the cord. There isnt really a need to disconnect it at all so if you can, you can keep it in tact for longer!
You need to communicate this wish to your caregivers and midwives, I would suggest making your preferences and including this and for your birth partner to tell them this is your wish when you meet them. Tell them verbally as it is then said, agreed as far as you can and keep an eye on that cord!
Benefits of keeping baby’s cord attached until it turns to white are:
. Your baby’s blood volume will increase up to 30% allowing much more oxygenated blood to be transferred.
. Maximum transferral of vital stem cells
. Your baby’s iron levels will be increased by the transferral for up to 6 months
. Antibodies transferred to aid your baby’s immune system
. Their white blood cells will be increased
. Your baby’s red blood cells increased
I hope this has been an interesting read. The best thing you can do during your pregnancy is educate yourselves and go through it being informed as much as possible!
Love Claire xx
Beautiful photograph by @estheredithbirth
Here is the most recent guidelines by The Who Delayed Cord Clamping